tutorial – smokey eye and nude lip

tonight i decided that i would do a smokey eye with a little bit of a twist. i used my lorac 3D lustre in diamond to give it a little sparkle. to achieve this look, i used several products:

1. i applied Buxom’s Stay There Eye Shadow in Pug all over each eyelid / http://www.sephora.com/buxom-stay-there-eye-shadow-P267305?skuId=1536911

2. i then used eyeko’s fat eye stick in black, all over each lower lid. feel free to cat eye this out, if you prefer /http://www.birchbox.com/shop/eyeko-fat-eye-stick

3. in order to achieve the all over sparkle and shimmer, use lorac’s 3D liquid lustre in diamond. since this is so dramatic, i use the dropper to apply a small drop onto my wrist, and then use my finger to blend all over the eyelid. /http://www.loraccosmetics.com/make-up_3d-liquid-lustre.html

4. i finished off the look with a few coats of lancome’s hypnose star mascara in noir midnight. this is my second favorite mascara. it’s BLACK. great for dramatic eyes. but for every day use, i use benefit’s they’re real. the wand is key. here is a link to both:



4b – i almost forgot to add my eyeliner, a basic black will give a nice pop to your eyes. http://www.lancome-usa.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-lancome_us-Site/default/Product-Show?pid=138847&bookmark=242117

5. For the the most amazing nude lip, i used the bite high pigment pencil in rhubarb (you know i love lip crayons!) http://www.sephora.com/high-pigment-matte-pencil-P283905?SKUID=1392455&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=1392455&om_mmc=ppc-gg-pla&om_mmc=ppc-GG&mkwid=pla01891&pcrid=26510275217&pdv=c&site=us_search&country_switch=us&lang=en

and then i applied a coat of dior addict gloss in their new 2014 limited spring edition color, 442. (i will be doing a separate blog on this product later. – it is THAT good!)

would love to know what you think if you tried this look with these products or your own favs.

smokey eye2 smokey eye